Saturday, February 11, 2006


As many of you may or may not know my eldest child (14 year old boy) is into a “health” kick. I think it started when he was reading a boxing book and the book included their diets. This health regimen consists of just changing his liquid intake. No longer will there be Coke, Pepsi, energy drinks, 7-up, and etc. It will only include 100% juices and water. Well believe it or not there are not an abundance of 100% juices many 3%... 10% … or my fave no juice at all. So as I search the shelves at the store V-8 is the one that stands out. Now I have a 14 year old who can gag on many vegetables… a green bean can make him shake ever so slightly like a baby with high fever. Convulsions come for most others. I really thought I lucked out when I found new V-8 fruit and veggie. Peach mango, strawberry banana, and orange medley OH my! He has been sucking down this juice for over a month (this is the longest “kick” he’s ever been on… we have had others they are all just shoved under his bed now). Last night though everything changed he fell off the wagon. It started when the baby grabbed a pair of scissors and caught and cut the oldest ones thumb. He fell to the floor grasping his very important digit (although I did not see a lot of blood this still is one of the “worst injuries” he has ever suffered). Slowly he shook as the life was being squeezed out of him though the 1/8in opening in his throbbing appendage. As my son lie there looking at a “light” only he could see… I resorted to grabbing a pop to revive him (this had been my downfall). He drank the beverage as he had just been rescued from a desert island, missing his mouth, spilling, gulping, and spraying anyone who was in range. I patted myself on the back (another emergency diverted). I then went to work everything under control… Supermom saves the day… again! When I arrived home the children were in bed so I tiptoed around ate a little something then around 11:15pm headed to bed. My other two snoring away, angelic halos surrounded their heads. When I entered my eldest room and saw bright raccoon eyes staring back at me and then the giggling filled shaking I knew something was up! My poor baby had fallen off his health “kick” and I was to blame. As my first born awakens to start day 1 I look into his sunken caffeine stain stare and know he will be okay… he will be okay.

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