Saturday, February 11, 2006


Today was a headache day. Anyone who has had headaches will agree that headaches suck. Anyone who has headaches and CHILDREN will agree they doubly suck. I did everything, I took Motrin, I napped, and I even ate (even though the nauseousness was upon me). But this was the day that the baby was going to have “my 2 year molars are coming in“fit. I calmly thought I will reason will this non verbal child he will understand the pain I’m am. No words are needed; he will look in my make-upped stained eyes and know. We will have a “simpatico“moment. Of course I was in la-la land. Things are whipping by my head and the cries from his mouth are similar to the wild titmouse (there is such a thing Google it!)He is flailing about like a fish out of water and I am pleading with him “Ill give you a dollar”… “I’ll give you five dollars”… “Okay whatever it takes” (we have now negotiated a sum that will work, of course now I’m on the phone with the mortgage company getting a second mortgage.) Anyway he magically stops (magic or M&M’s whichever). Calm, calm, calm… breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, cleansing breaths only. I may survive after all, 20 minutes till my 6 year old daughter comes home I can make it. Throbbing continues on and sister heads home. Because she is to shy to talk at school, she immediately lets loose when she sees me. “I drew a picture… I saw dirt… I ate lunch …and then …and then… also I need these important things by tomorrow… I want to read this novel to you…” Did I mention she is jumping this whole time? She settles down and I ask (plead probably a better word) to play with her brother while I just have a “mommy moment”. She and her brother skip off, two second later the arguing starts. I then decide to let her “help” me by rubbing my neck. Why I thought this would “help” I don’t know. She takes out one finger (ONE!) places it on my shoulder and with the pressure you would give an automated door touches me for one nano second. Huge sighs emitted from her and she exclaims, “If I’m going to do this all day I won’t be able to do all the other important things I had planned because this is making me tired!” Defeated, deflated, discouraged, I say… My life so far…

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