Saturday, February 11, 2006


As many of you know we left of with my daughter’s tooth hanging. Just to keep you all updated it continued that way for the rest of the day, actually loosening more if at all possible. She refused to eat any lunch and started to use speech only a mother could understand. Tooth in the way and not wanted it to accidentally fly out with a sigh, she began to scream at me in the new language that I can only describe as nails on the chalkboard. So my head throbbing I left my sweet angel to the computer and took the baby upstairs to nap. The baby yawning away and Toothzilla on the computer I knew rest was moments away. My eyes closed curled under a crib blanket I never felt more comfortable that’s when I should have predicted what was next. Baby got a second wind! Oh I tried to ignore the dive bombs precisely landing on my head and neck each and every time. The puzzle pieces flying at me as I tried to protect myself with a pillow (also remember we are still at the WOODEN puzzle piece faze). It was when the strobe light of the light on and off on and off that I gave in to the torturer and confessed some of my deepest darkest secrets.” Yes we did have M&M’s; I save them for myself when you are asleep!” I screamed. “I pretend to eat my veggies!” I sobbed. “Sometimes I do go to Burger King eat it in the car and hide the evidence, while you suffer through peanut butter again!” The baby stared at me, confused I think was the look, then lay down next to me and passed out. Slowly my head stopped throbbing and relaxation set in. I knew I must leave for work soon so I prepared a dinner that tooth girl would not touch. That was when I began to barrage my husband with 40 -50 calls about “You need to do what’s right for the family”… “The situation has gotten worse, we need to go to plan B”… “If you love us you will do what’s needed”. When I arrived home from work the tooth fairy gods had blessed us, my daughter was asleep with a beautiful toothless smile. My life so far…

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