Wednesday, February 22, 2006

2-22-06 pt.2

I just want to say that I didn’t mean to husband bash. Many husbands know lots of stuff, for example:

1. Spending 30-45 minutes in the bathroom 2-3 times a day…Alone (and he’s not cleaning it).

2. Never having to do laundry… turn a white load pink with a red sock (and we don’t own any red socks) gets them out of that duty each and every time.

3. Every Sunday (when I work) the baby sleeps in
4. Always arriving home in time just to have missed all the drama.

5. Never having to change the “most indecent” diapers, timing again.

6. Driving when the gas light is on for what seems to be forever, only to leave the car for you when you’re running out the door.

7. Being able to avoid doctors, dentists, and whatever for years (while it seems we are constantly being poked at.)

Of course these are just a few examples I’m sure I could think of more (but I’m doing laundry, I got to change a diaper, someone’s screaming in the other room, and I need to go get gas!)

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