Thursday, October 05, 2006


One of the first stories I wrote was about my daughter’s loose tooth. Well it’s been awhile and the ones that she has lost between then and now have seemed easy. We now are back to the irrational thinking and mass drama. Her not front tooth but side tooth is loose. This morning she spent a good 15 minutes staring at it in the mirror (like magical powers will painlessly drop it from her mouth into her palm) until I suggested maybe getting dressed for school. She turned to me and looked at me with the crazed Wookalar face (see “Private Eyes” one of my favorite movies of all time). “And how am I supposed to get clothes on?!” My response, “Over your head?” This is when I began to fear for my safety “My tooth is in the way!” I calmly suggested that she close her mouth. This is when she looked at me with her favorite “duh” look, “How am I supposed to do that, my lips are stuck because they’re dry.” Perhaps some liquid? Again stupid me she may swallow the tooth. That’s when I brought up that through this whole conversation she has been moving her lips. I will tell you now that she doesn’t ever want to be wrong (and I told her that 99.9% of the time she will not be wrong but that’s when she’s in a discussion with a man… again something to discuss a later time.) Anyway a high pitched screech emitted from her small frame a she stomped off and got dressed. Whew. Oh I forgot to mention she hadn’t eaten breakfast or brushed her teeth yet… so the melodrama had yet to really begin…

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