Tuesday, October 10, 2006


You ever put something on and you get pep in your step. I had it the other day when I put on my “good butt” jeans. It’s just a little sad when you’re the one throwing out the compliments while passing the mirror, doing double takes on yourself can be a little lonely. And walking backwards with your butt sticking out can land you in the loony bin. But what can I say; I was peppy, so anyone that would look, I pointed it out. Apparently, when a woman reaches a certain plateau in her adulthood and wants to share her posterior with others, no matter of the surroundings (McDonalds or in the middle of the street) this is called a “psychotic break.” So sorry to all of you that I involved (especially the ones that endured my performance of Sir Mix -A- Lot.) I just wanted a little love.

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