Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Here’s a sport men could do, you’re on your hands and knees washing the floor and at any moment someone (preferably a 26 lb. toddler with a screwdriver) could attack you. The goal is to finish the floor (changing the nasty bucket water at least once and you can’t use the kitchen sink) and have no tears or bloodshed throughout the process. Another sport idea, folding laundry while a projectile keeps tackling you (again lets use a 26 lb. toddler). The goal is to fold the laundry correctly (no inside out stuff) and put it in the correct places (I know it all looks alike but take the extra minute to decide if the woman of the house could fit into the Dora the Explorer panties.) You may also go for the extra points by keeping a newly curious inhabitant out of the garbage (once again 26 lb. toddler will suffice). It may contain last nights French fry and this creature is dumfounded why we would let this hairy goodness go, and just may eat it if you’re not on your toes. Good Luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

zella you rock lol. its the older niece by the way. i didnt know that the 26 pound toddler was sick either when did that happen?