Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy President's Day!

Taylor sends out tweet, "all-you-can-eat at IHOP, boyzzz! President's only!" Buchanan quickly mass texts, leaving out Polk. "Don't invite Polk he just likes to brag how he 'inspired' the Washington Monument, he will be all like, "My tailor had to take these pants out again fellas!" Then asking for fist bumps, such an ass!"   Harding texts back, "don't forget Hoover, dam this and dam that, it's a frickin wall to keep out water! I know I wasn't that popular but I did drop that Budget Bureau thing! People still talking about that in '98! And don't even get me started on Lincoln, "Spielberg made a movie about me, you see Sally Field is my wife- hubba hubba, so cocky!" Nixon texts, "come on guys forgive and forget I say!" Carter chimes in, "shut up Dick." And so on and on...

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