Sunday, February 03, 2013

Spin- part 3

I left you all as I was putting on my phoney baloney, push through it face and luckily for me class was winding down. We had slowed down our roll, ha he ha... And now we were now able to dismount (this will become my favorite thing in life, getting off the flippin' bike). The instructor finishes with stretches. We use our bikes as our support and pull, lean, bend, point, twist, shout (jk) and etc. At this point I'm a little woozy, not faint woozy, just a whoa moment of learning what legs are again and how they need to support the rest of me! And done, we are done, cheerleader yell in my head " Rah." (that's all I got, wasn't a cheerleader nor do I have energy for more words), phew. Now my neighbor and my sister are like hey- 'lets walk around the track and stuff' and I'm all like- 'sorry got plans (its 645a) and such'. I get the tilted head look from both of them like- 'what are you doing?'  And of course I say 'I'm repairing a shirt for my kid today' and run off as I say it, no not really run more like mosey off. I arrive home in one piece and pass out. When I awake I'm not to bad, my loin area is definitely been disturbed, but I'm up and I gotta go to work. Standing I'm a champ, the sitting  part not so much... ouchie. The next day I felt new hurt in my legs. I now realized why people have those metal handrails by toilets, its for people who take spin class... Look I'm getting an education.

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