Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Me, Zella!

I found this definition for Zella on urban dictionary, the title of my blog is 'My Life So Far' with Zella attached. I borrowed the name Zella from my great-great grandma or just one great can't remember. I loved this entry and wanted to share it.  I'm sure it would apply to her as it applies to me today (ha-ha)...GG Zella walking down a dirt path in her floor length dress, white bonnet, and small kerchief tied around her neck, a little dusty with a sun-kissed glow on her cheeks but looking fine as in F.I.N.E!

A totally sexy babe. Guys want to be with her, girls want to be her. She knows she's gorgeous, and flaunts it.
Boyfriend: damn that was one fine zella walkin by
Girlfriend: but you like me better, right?
Boyfriend: can't say that I do {chases the zella}

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had no idea....