Friday, January 09, 2009

Final Pathological Diagnosis

So today I got to see my surgeon. The news was... different. First it was the largest Intraductal papilloma (I know its all Korean) that shes ever taken out. Cool? Actually I'm not sure what that means. Secondly the lump, bump, thingy has atypical hyperplasia which as she put it is pre-pre cancerous. Not cancer but my risk is increased. OK follow me so far because I barely get it. So I will be watched more closely. Another turn is that now I have to go see an oncologist and she may put me on a medicine that they use to reduce the risk of breast cancer. It may though, I'm not jumping to quickly(yea right), put me in menopause. I have barely wrapped my head around this 30+10 thing (yes you know what I mean). All I picture in my head is that Maxine character from all the Hallmark cards the cranky old (really Old) lady. The mayo clinic lists these items as symptoms of menopause:
* Irregular periods
* Decreased fertility
* Vaginal dryness
* Hot flashes
* Sleep disturbances
* Mood swings
* Increased abdominal fat
* Thinning hair
* Loss of breast fullness
Um, uh, I am freaked. Not cancer... Not cancer... Not cancer... but iNcReAsed AbdOminaL Fat? tears* Not cancer... Not cancer... but ThINninG Hair? Not cancer... Not cancer...I'm not even touching that other stuff... ok, ok, thank god I just received a box of M&M's in the mail (completely true) some use drugs others candy...

In all seriousness I have been blessed with a warning and many never get that chance.

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