Saturday, January 10, 2009

Creative Clarity?

Pre-pre cancer still has the word cancer in it and it bugs me just enough. I don’t have cancer so I’m non cancer, sans cancer, cancer-less, but all still have that dreaded word. Other C words I don’t care for much are conjunctivitis, colonoscopy, Chupacabra (goat sucker, scary right), constipation, camping… anyway all yucky but cancer still the top. Favorite C words candy, chocolate, cash, cotton, comfy, children, clean, caramel, cheeseburgers, …more than the bad so that’s good. See I’m working through this. In the future you will go to the doctor, they do a blood test and you’ll get results like, your second child will be more likely to have acid reflux, your third child’s second child will have erectile dysfunction, unfortunately she will be a girl, you will be lactose tolerant unlike your spouse who will be intolerant, this may cause some marital discord, and so on. So I guess being pre-pre is the way of the future. And aren’t we all pre something anyway pre-old, pre-hungry, pre-dead, so pre is in, I’m trendy without trying that is so me.

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