Saturday, January 24, 2009

Clouds and Angels or Fire and Brimstone?

The topic came up of can you name the seven deadly sins of course I reply sneezy, bashful, dopey, whatever. But I started thinking am I an offender of the infamous list?

Lust- I'm going to Dr. Seuss this, Lust, rust, bust, dust- Oh How I must dust the rusty bust, people my Dad reads this so next...

Gluttony- excessive desire for food, withholding from the needy. We all know I love the
food and I am employed by a homeless shelter and I have a lot of control, bah ha ha- does that sound evil enough?

Greed- How I wish this one applied to me for then I would have someone transpire my words because of my wealth, typing would be beneath me. I’m as close to greedy as Charles Manson is to freedom… I think that makes since?...

Sloth- I think this is my big offender, mommy’s just going to rest her eyes a minute, Jewel Quest 2 (dang computer game), DVR, pajama pants (why must we wear anything else), fast food… I’m depressing myself.

Wrath- murder, assault, genocide, nope not that I’ve been convicted for…bah ha ha.

Envy- Yes I resent people with a lot of dough, I’m a hater, and I’m getting closer to hell with every word.

Pride- crap I pluck my eyebrows, shower, wear make-up, ugh I’m vain! But this helps a little with the sloth part because I’m not totally lazy if I do these other things, right?

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