Monday, January 01, 2007


Ahh… well I know most of you have been on pins and needles to hear what I received for Christmas. Now I know you think I’m excited about my new Christmas hot pads and they are festive but… I got a new washing machine! I know this is going to sound like something out of a fairy tale land, you know where the prince rides up to save the day (probably with a u-haul because a horse would be pate lugging that thing around) and the princess (that would be me) in my Badgley Mishka one of a kind with my cascading curls that are like bouncy ringlets of joy, my teeth actually tan the townspeople as I smile, and … well you see where I’m going. It wasn’t quite like that because my prince was actually my in-laws…but it just sounds so romantic the other way, I mean I could see the harlequin novel “Purified Prince” or “Laundry Lothario”, I’m sure Fabio could do the cover (disclaimer: not a huge Fabio fan but I thought he could use a little plug… season for giving and all that.) Ok back to the top of the line, fancy schmancy, Big Bertha of washing machines, this baby is so exciting that my two youngest come downstairs to help me load because… hold on to your hats… it has a glass lid so you can watch the action as it happens (I should probably introduce them to the outside world once in awhile)! I know I’m blowing all you minds but this puppy’s got it all! It’s all digital and the only thing it doesn’t do is juggle… but I may be able to teach her. So at this point I would like to thank everybody for putting up with my daily breakdowns and boo-hoo’s. To my sister and my mother for using their machines when I was in need, Danke, to my in-laws for laying out the big dough, Grazie, to my husband for continually fixing the old one, Domo arigato mister roboto. Peace on earth and spin cycles to all!!!

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