Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy?... Always...

Warning: The following contains gross out material not suited for… probably just my father, but maybe there are others like him.

So it’s that time of the month… you know where I’m going so stop reading now, save yourself. Of course everyone in this family probably knows, I mean spaghetti with a M&M sauce and a Motrin chaser gives it away each and every time (plus the bugged out eyes and twitches, also a give away). Anyway what I’m getting at is the monthly necessity needed, which for me is Always, has this new saying on each and every little thingamabob. It says “Have a Happy Period”… what? Happy? Firstly this must be a man’s brilliant campaign idea… a man who has obviously never seen Stephen King’s Carrie, *hint…she was far from happy. Happy, what does that mean, birds and whistling? Am I the only one who suffers from an iron deficiency, sudden weight gain (sumo weight gain is what I should say), a headache that starts at the end of your hair and goes to your toes, and a need to strangle living things (especially the man sleeping next to you)… is that happy? Let’s be real Always the little saying on your packaging should say “Homicide is a crime punishable by death, so let’s be careful out there”…. I will send you my bill… you’re welcome…

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