Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dirty Mouth

I just wanted to talk about my toddler’s new word he likes to “throw out” when he gets perturbed…“Poo-poo”. When he says it he’ll cock his head side to side, tongue slightly out, and then he adds a little eye roll. It is annoying but now he’s added a word to it to emphasize his point. Now you all are probably thinking it’s an actual cuss word (If you know me you would bet on it)… it’s not but he really believes he’s added a hard core expletive to his vocab. He’s added “cowboy”. I am not kidding. The look he gives when he says it you know he’s not messing around. “Cowboy poo-poo” or “Poo-poo cowboy”, and us giggling probably doesn’t help curb the child’s appetite to use it. His aunt likes to call and wants to talk to him on the phone, he’ll wander around with the phone chit- chatting, and then he will bring it back to me. She said to me after one of their conversations that he’s so cute; he was saying “cowboy” this and that. I had to explain to her that he was basically calling her a %^$&$. Of course this brought on more hysterical laughing now the boy goes into performance mode. With the added body language, a swagger (it’s kinda what I’d call the fugetaboutit walk) only a Joe Pesci could pull off. You would almost think cowboy ranks right up there with some of the biggies (and I know all of you, you all know them words inside and out). Well I must go I just denied the third pack of gummies and we are swearing up a storm….

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