Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Intelligent life on Mars?

I didn’t start the dishwasher last night. I foolishly believed that my husband may start it. It was ready to go and the sink was empty. But as I entered the kitchen this morning I discovered that an apparent drinking game must have happen after I went to bed. Cups were lined around the counter; so many that even my daughter commented on them “what’s with all the cups.” Plus the sink was full again… Why? Is it because they (has to be my oldest and his father) are trying to make me crack? Am I not cracked enough? And why do I punish myself by leaving little tests out for them knowing that they will fail at them? Example: Laundry, after one day in our home it is spread all around upstairs, a lot of it too. You would think that I live with 15 people. Anyway the stuffs everywhere, so I’ll push it in a pile and lets say block the bathroom door with it (and my oldest son is in there). I wait, lurking around the corner, holding my breath until he opens the door… and I watch him step over it. Not only does he just step over he doesn’t even look down; this has got to be some sort of male gene. I block the stairs, I’ve blocked the garage door, and they (testosterone twosome) are immune. All they have to do is take it to the basement is that to much to ask? But if I put a full garbage bag out the garage door, not in the garbage can, who hears it, hmm, “can’t you just walk it over to the can”. Blah, blah, blah…I suppose I am dealing with the man who let a pee soaked towel sit in the kitchen sink all day while I was at work (read 7-24-06)… but how dare I not follow garbage protocol. And the dishwasher is just another failed attempt to see if anyone could go the extra step. I am Humpty Dumpty and I’m afraid I may fall off the wall…and because my husband and my oldest never look down, I won’t even get the attempt of trying to put me back together again…*sob…

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