Friday, October 15, 2010

Assured solace

I may be naive because I just learned of the 'danger triangle of the face'. It is the area from the corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose, including the nose and maxilla (mustache bone, many jokes so little time)- Thank you Wikipedia. So basically nose-picking (yes!) and popping a pimple (yes!)in this area could cause an infection that could spread to the brain... and kill you! Dum Dum Dum Dum! (that's my music, catch on peeps). Hello, sounds a little urban legend - Mikey and the pop rocks, the Wookalar (see "Private Eyes"), and too many M&M's can cause fat, pleeeese people. This has put me into a slight panic. By showing my panic is that leading readers to believe I have violated the triangle? Panic means a sudden overpowering fright, so do I care whatcha all think? Should I seek out professional medical attention for my booger and blackhead needs? Will I need two doctors, a dermatologist and ear, nose, and throat specialist? Will I need treatments over time? Will I need to be comforted after each procedure? Will I fall into the 'Nightingale' syndrome, where I fall in love with my caregiver?!--- Or is that an urban legend?... back to Wikipedia.


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