Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What do you know?

I only have known two things. First, I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. It was the hardest and most joyous thing that has ever happened. And I was blessed with three handfuls, I mean children. My oldest, well I can't talk about him until court is over. So the jury's still out (ha-ha...). Like I said lucky (ha...). My middle, my too smart I don't know what to do with, is eleven. And tomorrow she heads out to go camping with her class. She has never been gone from home. She has been to sleepovers in the neighborhood, where she has returned home on two hours of sleep and full of happiness to share. But her being gone for three days is new. Big deal to her and me. My youngest, bouncing off the walls, running around in circles, can't sit still unless he's sleeping, is six. He has lost his front teeth and is beyond precious. But disgusting because he tries to gum kiss you. Anywho I love them, they know it, and I hope I haven't messed them up too much... ok court and gum kissing, troublesome but not catastrophic, shimmer down. And duh, I get a second chance when I get to be a grandma, maw-maw, g-ma, nana, whatever I'm called I have heaps (I better) of time to figure that out yet... And number two or secondly I really don't know. I just wanted to sound like I was insightful...smart?

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