Sunday, August 10, 2008

Perfect 10

Its summer Olympics time and I always like the gymnastics. But every time I watch I think the commentators get rougher and rougher on the athletes. Watching team USA tonight it all started with the floor exercise and I’m not sure if they are doing well or not, to me it all looks difficult (I mean you should see me do my “roll” out of bed routine in the morn…total Nadia). All the commentators are saying, let’s see if she can overcome the jitters that they all should feel with the many problems they have… Oh no, foot out of bounds lets hope she can handle the stress at the drive-thru better then she’s held up here. Ouch. Uneven bars- this girl has done this routine a million times… Oh so sad, it always happens on a million and one maybe she’ll stay even tempered as the cashier at the back to school sale at Payless. Here the toughest performance tonight on the balance beam, twist, back flip, Oh… rats’ maybe better luck keeping that checkbook balanced, remember those IHOP tips are taxable, Einstein. Finally the vault if this girl can pull it together long enough maybe she’ll be in medal contention… just dreadful, maybe she could get some character work at Disney World, the crowds go wild when the dwarfs can do a little tumbling. Is this one of those what doesn’t make you cry makes you stronger athlete things? Sticks and stones Just DO it, and all that jazz…

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