Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In excellent condition... Thank you very much.

So let’s say you run into someone you haven’t seen for four or five months and they say, “Wow you look really good.” Now add the emphasis on the “wow’ with the face of surprise and the slowing of speech on the “you..look..really..good..” And then before you can digest what they have said they have to run, you know before you can say what the heck was the matter with me months ago!? I’m racking the brain… no weight loss or gain, no new hairdo, no experimental cosmetic procedures, and probably even the same ole bra so the girls haven’t moved… Now being the level headed calm female that I am my first instinct is to hunt this person down shake them until they give up the transformation that I have “apparently” gone through. Why do I care, what in my girl brain gives a hoot? Why do I notice every new freckle (age spot), line (wrinkle), curve (Big Mac bump), and so on. Now people because they are a few of us insanity cases out there perhaps the next time you utter the “wow you look really good” phrase could you follow it up simultaneously with I’ve never seen you in … green, wearing a ring, denim, or July… just pick one, so my wacky butt can sleep …OK?

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