Wednesday, November 29, 2006


As many of you have noticed I have not “blogged” lately (sorry to all three of you who are my faithful readers, once I get sponsorship you get a prize…cross your fingers for a turtle wax deal). This is mostly due to my lack of creativity as things around me are consistently breaking. Just brings a gal down when she has to pay a repairman instead of perhaps dropping a few bucks at Sephora or the Gap (wishful thinking that I ever have some extra bucks but if I did I know where I would spend it). It started with the furnace problems, then moved to the refrigerator, my dryer has gone wacky, and finally my washing machine. My husband stepped up to the challenged and actually fixed the washing machine only for something different to break on it. Two different repair people later and as of today (11-29-06) I’m washing again. I actually started sing as the repair guy left, there was pep in my step, and I even called people to announce the “big” news. People seemed ok with the appliance report (I’m sure they are humoring me). I mean how exciting must it sound when someone calls and drones on in a monotone voice “apparently this doohickey snapped, can’t get the part till later, 45 loads of laundry, blah wah blah”… I’m hoping I can create some riveting story that I could call people with… “He was at the door with a check… Made out to me… I know, I don’t think George Clooney’s ever been to this area…much more in person… well we are headed to Italy next week for dinner him and his crew from Ocean’s 13… I know its so last minute but he needs my help with the script…Oh, maybe a couple of weeks but you never know”…

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