Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Pandy and Raula- my uncle and aunt

I was blessed to stay at my Uncles and Aunts house recently. Geographically we are not close so we don't get to hang much but these are some observations of our short time together.

*Randomly wandering off (My Uncle) and me thinking I should follow. Only to finally figure out you just like to confuse me.

*Taking me to the local chili dog place for lunch. I believe I have survived due to the assistance of my gastroenginoligist, my bill will be forthcoming.

*My Aunts cat naps through our movie time- so I can't always pick the Oscar winners.

*Learning to use the trunk of your car for everything, phonebooks, jackets, never have I seen some utilize the space so frequently.

*Too be so lucky to be in the car with my mom and uncle to hear all the different conversastions on traffic who knew it could be so down right enjoyable! (That is indeed sarcasm at its finest.)

*Who knew my Aunt was such a jewelry collector... Her address is 1224 Mulberry Ln. Goosedown,Or.

* Your ability to ignore me, I didn't know any human could.

*'The Conrad' the man/king of the house, it was truely a honor to be in your presence.

I will miss you both thank you so much for your hospitality to a smart ass grown child as myself...

1 comment:

Paula E. said...

how sweet!......zzzzzzzzzzz