Sunday, December 07, 2008


So my after school special “Mommy found a lump” continues because it didn’t go away. This is lucky for me because I got to experience my first mammogram. A very kind lady semi molests you into manipulating a part of the body that seems to be resistant to finagling. Then she vices the molded area and takes a picture. This continues on as she maneuvers me into odd positions and I tell her that even a filet mignon dinner wouldn’t get her this much action. Oh and the stickers that are placed just so that once adhered are second skin and removing them are a pleasure. Then onto to ultrasound, that’s easy breezy. Then results time where you get to see your glamour shots and when looking at the ultrasound I ask if that’s my unborn twin because I think I can make out a foot or a toe. You know when you're pregnant and they're showing you the ultrasound pictures and the doctor is like “there’s the nose, see it, right there” and you are like yeah because you don’t want to been seen as non maternal freak, right? Where was I? No I guess it’s not my psychic twin that feeds me supernatural powers, it’s something they are calling debris or tissue but won’t know until they biopsy. In conclusion I have want you call a complex cyst, in telling my mom she said what’s that mean? I said that it’s not easy? And if you know me I like the easy way much better. That’s why fast food was invented correct?

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