Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pass the ketchup please...

Yesterday I walked into a spider web, no ordinary web because it didn’t break because it was fully intact after I sling shot backwards from fear. I was hee-bee-gee-beeing it all over the place . Up and down hand motions as if I was trying out for the community “Flashdance” theater group (not sure if “my” community has one but wanted to sound like I was into the “arts”.) Oh and I’m at work so some came to my aid (thank you I am in your debt) and other laughed hysterically (I know where you all sleep!) But this happening prompted the debate would you eat a spider for a million dollars? Yes I would. Well my biggest fan in this discussion was a 10 year old so he kept upping the ante “would you eat four buns with spider eggs for one billion five hundred dollars?” (I enjoyed that he added the extra $500 because its all about the benji’s - my slang is so up to date). Yep. I mean really, writer use’s best impression of Dr. Evil, “ONE BILLION DOLLARS *insert diabolical laugh*". I mean basically unless I could die, and yes he suggests poisonous snakes in a closet, I’d do it. Which brings me back to the beginning were I wouldn’t want a spider on me or a hair in my food for that matter but add funds and I’m game…greedy…but I could own all the M&M’s in the world *insert evil laugh* …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!