Friday, March 17, 2006


I have been known to keep a clean house, that’s what the people say. I, on the other hand, just see what I haven’t cleaned, like a bulimic sees fat, when a rich person doesn’t have enough, like Pamela Anderson sees a B cup (stop messing with them Pam), I see dirt. I do like to pick up and put away (I have stepped on enough Lego’s to know those little buggers will bring tears to your eyes.) Anyway, when my 14 year old brought home this questionnaire he had to fill out for school it had questions on it about when he gets older like, career wanted, ideal transportation, things you will do in your free time… this is where I was positive my 5’ 11’’ athletic son would answer exercise and sports, I was partially right he did say those things but his number one was … cleaning! This topped soccer and football! I have seen the signs that he maybe turning into a mini-me but I guess I was in denial. Since we moved six months ago his room has changed on a weekly basis, trying to get the furniture placement just so. He has gotten rid of so much stuff (because the clutter is driving him crazy) I’m sure he is headed for a room with a window and some carpet. The big thing about this I haven’t let his father know, it doesn’t matter that the boy plays football, or likes to be wounded (bloodier the better), that he has the mouth of a sailor, or that he would lift weights in his sleep( if that’s is possible), this cleaning business will be a girly thing. “You don’t know what it’s like to be a boy” is what I’ll hear…“he needs to be tough” (I always think am I supposed to punch him then see if he’d like dinner?) I remember when my son grinded down his front teeth while on a skateboard, immediately I’m kissing and hugging him, all the while I had my phone in my hand to get a dentist on the line to fix his teeth. My husband “he looks good, nothing wrong will some chipped teeth!”(If he is going to model there is, always a mother!) I really don’t know where I’m headed with this story. Am I horrified that he picked cleaning as something to do in his free time?... Yes!… But I’m also glad he is not a slob, right? No matter what he chooses to do in life he will always have to be somewhat organized and tidy if he is going to be successful at it. Boxer, lawyer, teacher, janitor, I mean think about it even if he turns into some serial killer (predominately male field, can’t be more masculine than that) DNA wont be his downfall, the kid will be bleaching like a madman to clean that stuff up (breathe easy I am not raising a serial killer… then again I’m pretty sure that’s what all serial killers moms say!)

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