Friday, February 08, 2013

I can feel my heart beating!

This was written prior to the post "What Time Is It?"-
Ok, I can't stop talking about my physical Ed class, I mean exercise. My third time back to spin class and the instructor gave my sister and I gel seats for our bikes. Squishy, smooshie, squashy gel seats! As I got on the seat I was as careful as a librarian in heels walking on bubble wrap in front of her Master librarians in the library, get it? Ya know cautious... very very cautious.  But sitting went surprisingly well, don't get me wrong I felt it but on the plus side I was on the freakin' torture two-wheeler. Today I seemed to be the focus of the instructor. She zoned in on me, eye contact and the demands of just me! I kept pointing my head to the left to where my sister was, like hey she's over there, it's her you want, slacker alert, get her, she doesn't like kittens, all spoken with my head nods. Nope it was me, 30 seconds power thru and 30 seconds slow down, up and down, up and down, I tried to break the eye contact, I closed my eyes, looked to the ceiling, but I'd just glance back and BOOM she was there Mano-a-mano, crap. But again I brag I survived, I am alive. After all the Lance's (I don't know any other famous bikers truthful or not) left the class, the instructor gave us a  personal lesson on an upper body workout. Now have you seen those big inflated plastic balls?  That's what she wanted us to use. This is the moment when it is confirmed that I absolutely have no coordination, I have this sudden awareness how lucky I am to make it through a day, any day. A day involves stairs, walking, dressing myself, breathing, etc, I am blessed to be alive. Anyway basically we lay on the ball to do push-ups, well that's what your supposed to do, I'm rolling around trying to grab air to prevent from falling off and cracking my face. And you sit on the ball and lean back to do sit-ups, again you would think I was trying to work a balance beam with clown shoes, twisting, flailing, spazzing, and finally falling. And some other ball things, which I again manage with such gracefulness... ha. This day is at least another notch in my belt, it is over...

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