Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's a bird, it's a plane...

My week has been full of aliens and superheroes. We have seen Race to Witch Mountain, Bolt, and Monsters vs. Aliens. So when Ben 10 was on last night and I was trying to doze off with a nine year old and a five year old sharing my bed, whispering about super powers was the main topic. I decided to pop up to share mine. First I wowed them with the I can make water come from my eyes and proceeded to put on my best Meryl Streep a “dingo ate my baby” face, you could tell they were speechless. Next I shared how these, pointing to my fingers, can pick up small and average size objects with ease and before they could respond I headed to the limbs underneath my torso can move me from one area to another. Then I awed them with what my kryptonite is…Burger King onion rings! I can paralyze myself and knock out small insects with one gas bubble. They stared at me then my youngest spoke first “but you can’t fly” and my nine year old followed up with the eye roll and said “wow and poop can come out your butt”. I am raising the next generation people.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Land the "effing" plane

So in honor of my kin in Texas here’s a story that may or may not be some form of the truth.
Do not ever loan Vicky Barnes $500. Because Tanya Martin did and you know Tanya she’s the daughter of Estelle and Elonzo over in Dry Rock well they’ve both passed but you know that they had the three kids Frank, LB, and Tanya. Frank the oldest married that Mabel Turner the one who wears all that jewelry that now she has the back problems. Well she went to that specialist in Dust Plains and he told her to quit wearing all that jewelry and she said she rather die. She says what would the ladies think over at the Broadway Church? Also they have that son LB, who paces so much he has worn the floor down so bad that they had to have Herb Dimmel come and pour concrete in their house to re-even out their floors. Anyway oh and wait LB’s kids are a loopy too their oldest C.C has been detained by police four times for trying to walk up the drive- thru at the Sonic over on Indiana because she just loves their Rt. 44 diet coke with lime. Oh and their other daughter Lynn who runs around town with her hair wet like she doesn’t have time to fix it, what does she do? Nothin’ as far as I can tell. So Estelle and Elonzo’s youngest Tanya has those three kids which I think one makes ice (can you make a livin' from that?), the other does hair…why she can’t help her cousin is beyond me, and the other just had a baby she named Elvis, I mean really Elvis what are people thinkin’ these days. So Tanya loans Vicky Barnes, Vicky’s the one that married to that Yankee that works with computers or at Best Buy or somethin’, anyway she gives her $500 and she had to give her six twenties, four tens, and the rest in singles and fives because she just doesn’t have that layin‘ around. And Vicky goes and uses it to get one of them consultations from that fancy plastic surgeon over in Sandy Creek for a butt lift, a butt lift I mean really. Well you know she’ll never get that money back I mean really…

Friday, March 06, 2009

My Grandma Opal

Always having Juicy Fruit or the small Lifesaver rolls you get from the bank in her purse.

Smelling the best and having the softest hands of anyone I ever met.

Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, tacos, and waffles (not necessarily eaten together).

Buying me Dr. Pepper in the glass bottles and the sugar cereal my mom wouldn’t by me.

Cleaning up after me all the time, even after I used shaving gel on a roach (yes to suffocate it, they're icky)then scooped him into a shoebox and put it in the bathroom.

Never letting my plate get empty while eating.

Listening to all your stories and how knowledgeable you are with sports, like even knowing where each player grew up and whose lawn they cut.

For listening to my scary organ playing concerts.

Every time you talk to me making me feel that I’m the most special granddaughter ever.

Worrying about my hair-do…grandma its naturally curly it has a mind of its own.

Getting to hang out with you and Grandpa in Texas… and being a wee bit spoiled.

Love you…