Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Who's the Boss?

Warning signs your three year old is going to have a meltdown…Or your guide to what’s happening today… tomorrow… and unfortunately the day after that…

  1. He or she will probably start with the classic fist clenching and breathing like a WWF wrestler.
  2. He or she may start to shouting that you are a poo-poo or the house is a poo-poo or the whole everything is a poo-poo.
  3. At this point he or she grabs whatever item is closes to him or her…ex. Shoe, toy, cat…
  4. Before he or she actually throws weapon of chose he or she may start spinning in circles… you may think it’s just their head but fear not it’s their whole body going at warp speeds.
  5. I hope you know that the weapon they’ve been clenching on is coming at you and when anger strikes their accuracy is very… well accurate…Beware! (and if it’s the cat, she’s pissed, and she’s been spun in circles so the first object she lands on… not good.)
  6. Banshee like screaming will be echoing through the entire house…and or neighborhood.
  7. At this stage I’ve hoped you’ve taken cover… It can go on for two minutes or hours…hide with a book.

Warning temper tantrums maybe cause by asking if their thirsty, wiping a smudge of their face, not putting enough ice cream in their bowl, a casual smile, or just waking up…

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