Friday, April 07, 2006


Well it has taken me a little while but I now have my house covered in saran wrap (eat your heart out Grandma!). Older people had the right idea all along encasing their treasured floral couches in plastic. So what if in the summer you have to peel your butt off the sweaty artificial canvas or in the winter you slide off the icy cool overlay, I can wipe it down with a paper towel, bleach, or a power washer if I want. Puke away because now I have acquired an official CDC (center for disease control) suit. Splatter me people I am prepared! It is difficult to relax on a plastic bed but clean up is a snap. Stay tuned to you local cable access channel for my inexpensive ideas for your family. Ideas like, how to not freak out every time someone sneezes (I have consulted with the top psychologists from around the globe), 101 ways to get that aroma out of you nasal cavities (some may freak you out and are painful but you will thank me later), the history of stains (riveting topic filled with all sorts of stain combinations you have never imagined), what to pack in an emergency kit if you need to run away fast ( one hint: consult your local bank for exchange rates), and much more! Stay tuned…

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