Saturday, September 01, 2007

No, I just developed this twitch...


No matter what you do they pop up in your house. I finally conquer them by the back door only to find them moved on to the kitchen. I attack again and again I foolishly think I’ve won this war. Now it’s Saturday morning and I’m in deep sleep and my 8 year old is poking me saying “Ants they are appearing everywhere, get up, get up.” Crap. I head down to the kitchen and sure enough there they are carrying every minuscule crumb to their lair. Crap. I begin my crazed attack of a deep clean and the ultimate stare down. The stare down is when you begin focusing so hard that your eyes glaze over, water and turn red (also you may begin to drool slightly because of the deep meditative state you enter).
This is an imperative procedure because the little germies do just appear even when you think you see them all. As I watch things appear, no ants just small dust particles and whatnots, again I think I’ve kick their butt, I sigh and smile only to my frightened children.

With my insane asylum look I think waking up to scrub, clean, and kill…. I don’t look half bad.