Thursday, March 29, 2007

Meddling Moppet

My seven year old daughter has just watched “Harriet the Spy”. Because of this my senses must be heightened at all times. Last night as I lie in bed, my oldest son was out , my three year old asleep, and my daughter is in her room quiet as mouse, the only sounds you could hear are coming from my T.V. but even they are at a minimum because I have it on closed captioning. So I’m basically in a media coma and out of my peripheral vision I see a shadow come slowly up on the other side of the bed… I yelp (really yelp, gasp loudly is that yelping?). It’s my daughter; she must have dragged herself with warlike precision into the bedroom without my knowledge (duh). I ask her, as I check the bed for any wetness due the “blank” being scared out of me, what she is doing, she said she is working on her spy skills and she needs a lot of practice, so can I just get back to watching T.V. so she can work. “What?” I am in bed wanting to be in a zombie like trance and now I am being stalked? Yes. As I lull back into it I hear a normally insignificant noise… and she’s right next to me on the floor. I suggest sleeping at this point, she is not happy I am ruining her spy skill training! She storms off. At some point I fell asleep unaware if she was over me counting every freckle (better sounding than age spots). Now as sit at the computer writing this story… something makes me glance to the left, and there she is hiding hunkered down with her sunglasses on and a pad and pencil in her hand… the words she has written in her spy notebook are, “why is mom always on the computer”… Ohhh she’s good…